Another Baby Girl! 

We are so excited to see precious lives saved from a hopeless road of death and regret! This precious baby  was born to an 18 year old single Muslim woman. Her mother was under a lot of stress due to her cultural/religious circumstances. Becoming pregnant out of wedlock...

Check out our Blogs & Resources! 



Who we are

Wanted Alive INC is a 501 c3 non-profit established to provide education, awareness, and support for parents facing unplanned pregnancy. We believe father's lives matter so we are here for Dad's as well as moms and mothers to be, to be the support team they need to  care for their children personally or find suitable families to adopt. We currently offer assistance in obtaining free ultrasounds to help identify the life of the unborn & free pregnancy testing and resources. Learn more here!

Check out our resources - we are here to help!

We have a wealth of resources to support you in making the best decision for yourself and the unborn. Check out:

See here!

Fundraising Goals

Posters and pamphlets showing the growing cycles of an unborn baby - $ 500 

We hope to eventually raise enough support to buy property in Kenya, Africa and create a self-sustaining  atmosphere for women and children in "hopeless" conditions.

The America dollar goes a lot further in Kenya, and enabling them to be self sufficient will help save many lives and free up Wanted Alive's donations for other needs.

Until we reach our goal for a self-sufficient community in Kenya, Africa we need the help of donors to meet the daily food and shelter needs of the women and children currently in our care. The average rent for one woman and her children is about $35 a month. Please consider sponsoring one of these ladies and her children monthly. Thank you for your help with this cause.

Click here to contribute

Learn about the Abortion Reversal Pill

"In 2017 alone the abortion pill killed nearly 340,000 pre-born children, accounting for roughly 39% of all abortions that year."  ~Lila Rose President & Founder of Live Action

We want women who have taken a destructive abortifacient pill to know that there is a reversal pill that can be attained by contacting:

The Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline, at 1-877-558-0333. You can also visit them online at This is a 24-hour, nurse-staffed hotline.


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You can also follow us on Facebook although it isn't our favorite platform due to censorship.