Sponsor A Family For 2025

 2025 is right around the corner!  2024 has been a great year for saving innocent lives and giving hope to mothers and children who need support in the slums of Kenya, Africa. For those who haven't heard the story of how doors opened for us in Kenya, South Africa please see our blog post Doors Open... . Helping mothers and children all the way in Kenya was not in our plans when we started Wanted Alive, yet we are learning just how great the need there is and we are so thankful to stand in the gap! 

Can you imagine being born into a world of poverty and little hope for having the comfort of some of life's basics like: a bed, a roof over your head, a table with food on it 3 times a day, safe and clean drinking water, the ability to get an education, a safe & sanitary place to go potty....these are things millions of people around the world go without (and would love to enjoy), simply because of the location they are born in. The root is greed; get enough greedy people together and millions of people will live on an Earth full of abundance yet, lack the ability to share in its resources.

There's others, that have never suffered a day without life's basics, and who easily spend the $25 dollars in a day on something unnecessary for daily survival. In America we have the luxury to spend this much on modern conveniences... $25 -$50 dollars provides rent for 1 month for the families we support.

School for one year for a child costs about $160 dollars, this includes their school uniform and school lunch.

Food for a Mother and her children for a month costs about  $100-$160

Let's break this down:

We have 9 families that could use sponsorship to have life's basic needs. So we are looking at anywhere from $100-$185 per family which provides for one Mother and anywhere from one to 5 children. If we could find 4 sponsors per family that would cost donors approx. $35 a month. That sounds doable, right? Sounds like a wonderful thing to do with family and friends! You can choose one family (or more) from the 9 families that you would like to sponsor and then, reach out to your own family and friends to see how many of your friends/family members you could find to help split the monthly cost. If you found 8 friends to help you sponsor a family that would bring it down to about $19 a month!! Once you choose the family you want to help (even if you can only send $5 a month for a family, that goes much further for them than it does for us and they will be so thankful.) we will send you a special link each month to a video made for you by the family you are sponsoring , to give you updates on how you are blessing their life! We really want this sponsorship to be a personal experience that impacts the life of the Givers as much as the life of the Receivers!

Instead of just pushing buttons that take money out of your bank account monthly you and your family can  see the impact of that transaction and grow to know and love the family you are sponsoring! Sounds wonderful doesn't it? With all the things money can buy, what is greater than providing basic needs for a family in need?

This Sponsorship participation will free up Wanted Alive's monthly spending and enable us to work on more long term solutions for these families, such as the purchase of land and creating a self-sustaining community for them where they can live, work, receive an education and be a safe place where other mothers and children in need can also find relief from extreme poverty.

Advisory: The following are true stories, yet a few may not be suitable for young children to read. We do encourage parents to educate their children regarding how poverty effects millions of people around the world...However, some parents may not want their children to read some of the details below, please preview this page before sharing with young children. 

Use this donate button below to choose your family and begin your sponsorship or use any donate button on this page:

Choose a Family you'd like to help sponsor for the year 2025:

Once you have started your sponsorship we will share more information with you such as their names. You can choose to sponsor all of  one of these families needs, or just a portion of their needs, or even give a little to more than one family, its your kind and loving choice: (Please see our recent update regarding their school costs by clicking here for our recent post---> 2025 School Sponsorship )

Inside her home with her 2 children

Family 1

This is the woman who first reached out to us from Kenya, Africa! She has become a Dear and Faithful Team Member to Wanted Alive, helping with the other women. She has a son in school  and then her youngest son she chose LIFE for named Eliano. Wanted Alive is supporting her interest in learning the skill of sewing so she can help support her family. She could currently use sponsorship for her monthly rent (approx. $50 a month), her monthly food bill ( $120 a month) and her eldest son's school is $160  which covers the entire year and includes a school uniform and a lunch for everyday of school! That is money well spent!

Cost Break Down:

Total  monthly cost $150

One time school fee for her son $160  Update: His school was recently paid.

Total yearly = $1,960 -$160= $1,800 remaining

Family 2

This is the second family from the slums of Kenya, Africa we started helping. She along with her 2 children were suffering homelessness, she also was seeking an abortion at the time we met her. Unfortunately, when we found her again to help her she was not pregnant. That did not stop us from desiring to meet the needs she has. Her 2 children need their school paid for which is approx. $160  each for the year and includes a school uniform as well as a lunch for each day of school!  Their rent is about $25 a month, and food $120 a month.

Cost Break Down:

Total Monthly cost = $145

Total cost of school for 2 children for the year 2025 =$320

Total yearly = $2,060

Urgent Update: As we were preparing this post we have learned that this family has been taken from their home. We currently do not know where they are, or who took them away. We will keep you posted as this terrible mystery unfolds. Her children have been with us for over a year, going to school and doing well. 🙏

Jan.5 Update: This family has been found and the children are well.

Unfortunately this mother struggles with addictions and because of this she has lost the rental we provided for her due to the Landlord no longer wanting her as a tenant. We are working on a solution to help her and the children.

She sits outside her home with her 2 children.

Family 3

This family has gone through much hardship. The mother suffered an accident which  damaged her back. She found herself in such desperation that she began to sell herself for survival. She was in so much discomfort from her back injury she regretfully contemplated selling her young daughter so she could afford her treatment.  She became pregnant and our local Wanted Alive Team crossed paths with her and offered her hope and a way out of her terrible circumstances. She is now a new person and so thankful to be delivered out of her despair and terrible situation! She had a healthy baby girl and chose to name her after Wanted Alive's President! Her rent is about $25 a month, food $120 a month, and school for the year 2025 for her oldest daughter $160  which includes school uniform and a lunch each day of school.

Cost Break Down:

Total Monthly Cost = $145

One time school fee for her daughter = $160, Update: her school fee for the year has been covered. 

Total yearly = $1,900 -$160=$1,740 remaining

Outside of her home with her healthy baby boy!

Family 4=Sponsored!

This Dear mother met face to face with hopelessness when she discovered herself pregnant and out of wedlock...she knew her father would kill her if he discovered this even though she was in her twenties. She had set out to try to find work to help her mother who had been abandoned by her father along with her six other younger siblings. While she was away from her mother's home she met the wrong man who after impregnating  her wanted nothing to do with her ( a very common issue in this part of the world). Knowing it would be deadly for her to return home at the risk of her father seeing her 6 months pregnant she decided to take her own life by drinking poison.  Thanks be to the Creator of all who sees all, and knows every life created is precious ; He had the right people nearby at the right time! These kind strangers got her to a hospital and her life was saved and her unborn baby's life was unharmed!!! They happened to know Dear Eunice (our local volunteer) and reached out to Wanted Alive to see if we could maintain this woman's needs, as most families in this area have enough of a struggle meeting their own families daily needs. We could not turn her away and also wanted to know the needs of her own struggling and abandoned mother. Choices are good and at Wanted Alive we exercise our free-will to choose love.

As you can see, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Her rent is about $35  a month

food is $100 a month.

Cost Break Down:

Total monthly cost = $135

Total yearly = $1,620

Family 5=Partial Sponsorship

This is the Mother of the mother of  family #4.  She has had a very difficult life. She was orphaned about the age of 14 years old and also given in marriage at this age. She birthed 14 children to her husband. Seven of which passed away. She has seven remaining, one is grown with her own child, leaving her with these six to still provide for. Her husband left her for another woman but apparently has been known to return randomly to the homestead to beat his Dear wife. Most recently with his random return, he  sexually assaulted and  nearly killed her. She barely escaped him with her life. We were very heartbroken to hear the news and it took time for us to find her. She spent some time recovering in a hospital. Sadly while she was gone he remained in the home with the children. 2 of the children were able to reunite with their mother, but the young ones were still at home, which was not safe for the mother to return to. Thankfully, her other children have since been reunited with her in a new safe home we were able to provide for her. She went without a bed and sufficient clothing and basic household items she needed to care for the daily needs of her family until we were able to purchase them for her, which we did as soon as we were able. She is extremely grateful! She is only in her early 50's but sees herself as Elderly. The life span in Kenya is about 62 years old.

Rent is about $25 a month, $160 for food a month and her son's school costs=  $70.56, Her disabled daughter's school cost is $223.44 , her other daughter's school cost is 51.74, and she has one more daughter waiting to find out if she can enter college courses; the costs listed are for the year  and provide for their schooling and lunch each day of school.

Cost Break Down:

Total monthly cost $185

Complete cost of  3 children in school = $346 (4th child pending)

Total yearly = $2,566 (not including fourth child's schooling)

Family 6

This is our Dear Mother who also has suffered much in her lifetime...we are still getting to know her full story. She has an abusive husband who is not currently choosing to be present in her life and chased her away after injuring her badly enough to cause her to need a stay in the hospital.  We met her after there was deadly flooding in her area and she lost everything. Her 3 children were taken from her and put in an orphanage. She was pregnant and hopeless, contemplating abortion. Once again,  while Wanted Alive was struggling with funding we said, "yes!" to giving her hope by providing for her physical needs. We rented a place for her to call home for about $25 a month , and provided her food to support her pregnancy. Some months into her pregnancy she ended up needing to go on bed rest in a local hospital, so as not to lose the baby. She was on bed rest from the end of August to the first week of November when they performed a C-section when she was about 37 weeks pregnant. Thankfully her baby is healthy! She herself stayed an extra week in the hospital due to some complications she was having after the C-section. Her 3 other children have recently been returned to her.  Update: Her children are still under Government Authority, which means the cost of their yearly schooling is taken care of, although they may need help with the cost of their school uniforms, we are waiting to be updated further on that.

 $160 a month for food.

Cost Break Down:

Total monthly cost =$185

Total yearly=  $2,220

Family 7=Sponsored!

This Young Mother comes from a Muslim background and became pregnant at the age of 17 years. When her Father found out he abandoned his entire family. Pregnancy outside of marriage in the religion of Islam is very shameful and the father thought that his entire family was worthy of death because of it. We learned of her need for help at the same time we heard of family #6 and once again we couldn't but choose "yes" to help them. For many women who contemplate abortion the simple, self-less choice of, "yes" from a stranger is all they need to preserve life. They just need someone to stand in the gap that keeps them from seeing a hopeful future. When we say, "yes" to supporting these women, we are saying, "Your life & the life of your child is worth whatever financial challenge may come from helping you and your baby's Life is worth preserving.

We helped provide shelter for this young woman and her mother and siblings. Meanwhile, it turns out her father died in an unexpected accident. We are not happy for this loss, yet we were relieved that the threat of him murdering them were no longer a concern.  She was able to give birth to a beautiful baby girl that she chose to name after Wanted Alive's President!

If you look at her photos you will see how they do their laundry by hand, very back breaking. We have since purchased a table to help relieve them of back pain.

She is currently living with our local volunteer.

Cost Break Down:

$100 a month for the needs of her and her baby.

Total yearly=$1,200

Family 8

Now this Precious woman revealed an unexpected  baby save...

She is the mother of mother #7 .  So at the time we met she was also Muslim. Her husband was determined to kill her and all their children for their oldest daughter's pregnancy out of wedlock. Her husband abandoned them, and the local Wanted Alive Team heard of her daughter's situation and wanted to help the entire family. (Read Family #7 for more info) As we were providing for her daughter she was attending the W.A. meetings and wanted to learn more. But she kept a secret she was too ashamed to share until she could not hide it any longer. 

When her husband abandoned her and her children , in her desperation to provide her children's basic needs she sold her body, and consequently became pregnant. She also thought  of having an abortion to try to cover the shame of her actions. Yet, her pregnancy developed to seven months and as we were helping her daughter she was hiding her own pregnancy from our volunteers until the stress of holding it all inside caused her to go into early labor. Still ashamed, after giving birth she was not sure if she should keep the child or give the child to someone else to raise. After receiving counseling from Wanted Alive she gained peace of mind to accept and name her daughter. Thankfully, although her daughter was born early she weighed a good 4 lbs and was able to go home with her. As you can see in the photo her daughter is doing well. This mother now has hope in her future and her children's future as W.A. has continued to be a strength and comfort as well as a real tangible, reliable support for her family. She looks forward to getting back to cooking as a means to provide for her family. Perhaps her sponsors would like to help her get a business started by providing the equipment she will need to make and sell food?

We are renting them a home for about $25 , Monthly Food $160, she will need assistance with putting  3 of her 5  children in school for the year 2025, Approx. $115, $70, and $50  for the three children for the school year, which includes uniforms, and school lunch.

Cost Break Down:

Monthly $185

Complete cost of all  children in school for the year 2025 = $231

Total yearly cost= $2,451

Family 9

This precious lady has been a great help volunteering for Wanted Alive!

She is 7 months pregnant and her husband has not been able to make enough money to put a sufficient amount of food on the table. This is not due to a lack of effort on his part. This is simply being born into a very difficult societal system where politics and greed keep people in poverty. Recently his wife was experiencing pain, and this is when I discovered her family was not eating enough. Thankfully we were able to help her see a Doctor and discovered she had an infection which the Doctor was able to help clear up. She is also having some issues with her blood sugar and blood pressure, We have recently provided food for her family so she can eat a sufficient amount of protein to help support her pregnancy.  They have 4 children plus the one in the womb.

They could use some  support at this time with putting their 4 children in school for the year 2025. $27, $70, $404, $410 =the approx. cost for each child's School for the year, includes school uniforms, lunches and boarding for the 2 older boys. The older the child the greater the school fees become.

Cost Break Down:

School for 4 children = $910

Monthly food bill = $160

Total yearly = $2,830