Good News from Kenya!
Greetings Friends!
If you read our post about Doors Opening in Kenya then you are aware that Wanted Alive (with the help of our Faithful Kenya Overseer) and Donors are making a LIFE SAVING IMPACT among those suffering severe poverty. None of us choose where or to whom we will be born, but what a Joy it is when people come together to help those born into undesirable and challenging circumstances.
Pictured here you see on the left, Dear Eunice our Faithful Kenya Overseer holding Wanted Alive's second baby save!
Not only was this precious baby boy given a chance at life but his mother is being given hope to continue her valuable journey of life. His mother Naomi is a first time mom sitting next to Eunice. She was born into a difficult situation where her father abandoned her mother (who originally birthed 14 children from her father, but seven died) leaving seven children, including herself. Naomi, having a heart to lighten her mother's burden of providing for so many children went from the family home to find work. Unfortunately in the process she met the wrong man which took advantage of her condition and impregnated her, then wanted nothing more to do with her, as is often the case in these impoverished areas. Naomi became hopeless, knowing that returning to her mother pregnant defeated her purpose of helping relieve her mom's burdens. She also remembered her Dad threatening to kill her if she was ever to get pregnant. In her despair she decided to take her life as well as her baby's. She began to drink poison and it just so happened some children nearby saw her fall to the ground and got her help....Believe it or not...the people that came to help her and take her to the hospital happened to know Eunice and knew that Eunice is working alongside Wanted Alive to save lives! They took Naomi to the hospital and her life and her baby's were saved! This kind family brought her into their home and began providing for her needs as she was still about 6 months pregnant. They reached out to see if Wanted Alive could help Naomi....We could not turn her away... Thanks to the help of donors we have been able to help Naomi continue with a healthy pregnancy by providing her with food and shelter. Today she has a precious healthy baby boy, as well as courage and hope for her own life!
American money goes a long way. For about $36 a month we are able to rent a safe apartment with an indoor toilet and faucet (which is a luxury there) for Naomi and her baby. Her hospital bill for delivery was only about $68 dollars!!
When you donate to Wanted Alive your donation goes to these needs. We spend very little on overhead costs; as the President and my husband as the Vice President we are true volunteers taking no salary; very rare to come by these days as maintaining a Non-profit takes time and determination. With the help of Donors (and we believe God's amazing love) we keep Wanted Alive up and running because this cause is worth it! ...all this is said to help you feel confident that your donation is truly helping to save lives and not being used in frivolous ways. Being such a small Non-profit with limited donor support we are so joyful every time a donation comes in because that means rent and food and necessities will continue to be provided for these women and children struggling amidst a challenging environment with little to no other choice.
As you may have read, our ultimate goal is to find enough TEAM WORK to buy land in their area where they can grow their own food and be self sustaining as well as a safe place for more women and children to come and be freed from hopelessness.
Please help us share the cause and consider becoming a monthly sponsor.
Naomi with her Mother and siblings.
When Wanted Alive heard of Naomi's story & her mother struggling to provide for seven children on her own, we had to do what we could to give her hope and support. Your donations are also helping to feed her and her children each month.
Today I received a message that another one of our Mama's is in the process of birthing! This just so happens to be Elizabeth who was interviewed recently by our first client "Kate" aka Catherine! See interview below.
Please consider donating to help continue paying for Elizabeth and her children's housing, food and her upcoming hospital bill for delivery.

Elizabeth had to have a C-Section due to a previous spinal injury; we are happy to announce she is doing well with her new baby girl that she
named after Wanted Alive's President! What a wonderful surprise! 😃
For clarity these women are from the Mathare slums of Kenya, Africa and/or surrounding impoverished areas.
Please consider supporting a good cause : our ultimate goal is to find enough TEAM WORK, (i.e. Donors) to buy land in their area where we can build them homes & they can grow their own food and be self sustaining as well as offering this property as a safe place for more women and children to come and be freed from hopelessness.
Please help us share the cause and consider becoming a monthly sponsor. Thank you to all the Donors who are keeping these women and children full of hope as they are fed, sheltered and freed from hopeless, dehumanizing situations that they resort to in their hopeless states.