NOVEMBER 12 2020

~This testimony was written by a young woman who has been given another opportunity at motherhood. She is now the happy mother of this baby boy.

If you or someone you know is going through something similar Wanted Alive INC is here to give you the support you need. Please feel free to reach out to us.

Feel free to send us your personal testimonies. Testimonies can have life-saving effects. Feel free to share the following testimony: #abortion

Please take a moment to read my testimony if you’re thinking about aborting your baby. This is not something I like to share but, if it can help someone and save a life, I will share it all day long. I wish someone warned me. 

To begin, I was 21 years old. I was wicked and of course, I was Godless. I was in a very toxic relationship and I became pregnant. I left him to live with my parents. I was afraid of becoming a single mom and having to raise a child all by myself. I was selfish. So, I looked into abortions. I tried to ask my ex-boyfriend to get back together because I was having second thoughts. When he said no, I scheduled an appointment to terminate my pregnancy.

When it was time to go to the doctor to get my abortion, the nurse gave me a sonogram to see how far along I was. I was 10-weeks pregnant. I asked her if I could see. She asked me if I was sure, then showed it to me. There I saw a baby, all curled up, heart beating, little hands, and little legs...MY baby. As I walked back to my chair in the waiting room, I completely broke down. My body started shaking, I was trying to hold in my tears. I walked outside to compose myself before I returned. I wanted to back out so badly but I thought “I’m this far in, I have to do it now”. 

Moments after I went back inside, my name was called. When I laid on the table, I felt my body start shaking again and the tears started streaming down my face. As they put the gas mask on me to knock me out, I told them I didn’t want to do it anymore and told them to stop. I remember hearing a nurse telling me “it’s okay”.

When I woke up, for a moment I forgot what happened and for a brief second, I thought they gave me a break and didn’t go through with it. “You’re all set,” they said, and there came the tears again. It was done. My baby was gone. Dead. When I got in the car, I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I did then in my entire life. 

I’m not sure if you know this, but babies cry in the womb. If you don’t believe me, look it up. Can you imagine how much a baby cries when it’s being ripped out of its mother? It’s something I think of quite frequently and I have to live with on a daily basis. How could I have done such a wicked, terrible thing?  PLEASE do NOT terminate your pregnancy. There are so many support groups, financial assistance. There is NO need to have an innocent baby killed who is just trying to LIVE. 

I’m telling you from experience, you WILL regret it. I have to live with this on my shoulders for the rest of my life, you don’t have to! Please reach out and get help. I wish I did...