Another Baby Girl!

Another Baby Girl has been born!

We are so excited to see precious lives saved from a hopeless road of death and regret! This precious baby  was born to an 18 year old single Muslim woman. Her mother was under a lot of stress due to her cultural/religious circumstances. Becoming pregnant out of wedlock caused her father to abandon not only her but all her siblings and her mother, and he threatened to kill them all! Wanted Alive could not turn a blind eye to this family who was suffering from abandonment and facing the hopelessness of death threats and poverty. This baby girls Mama contemplated abortion due to the desperate situation she found herself in.

Thanks to the help of donors we were able not only to provide Hope, shelter & food for her and her unborn child, but for her abandoned Mother and siblings as well. We are so blessed to see this family not only surviving, but thriving having hope and joy restored to their lives and a precious new baby girl to bring days of smiles and gladness to their hearts.

Sadly, the Father of the family passed away unexpectedly. They are now relieved from the fear of him killing them, but we do always mourn for the loss of a life.

 The ladies who are receiving help in the slums of Kenya are so grateful  for what Wanted Alive has done to give them  the opportunity to birth their unborn children in Hope.  Once again this baby has also been named after Wanted Alive's President! ❤️ So now that's 2 precious baby girls named after WA's President!

What a JOY to bring Joy to others❣️

Please help us to continue to save & better these precious lives;  share the cause with Family and friends and consider donating monthly.

If you are American your money goes far in Kenya!

Guess how much the hospital bill was for this Mama & baby to be assisted in the birthing process...... 

So as you can see it takes very little on our part to save lives and help bring hope and joy into the lives of families who would otherwise resort to regretful measures thinking that was their only choice of survival. In reality ending the life of an unborn child will never cure our needs no matter how deep our needs may be.  

Please consider making a donation today to save lives and help spread empowering knowledge about the Value of Life! Donate 

The formation of a new human-being is a miracle, a precious gift and should always be treated as such. We take for granted the miracle of life because we hear of babies being born day after day all around the world. Very few people are aware of the science that explains the miracle of each conception. 

The window for a woman to become pregnant is considered to be approximately 12-24 hours after she ovulates (releases an egg into her Fallopian tube).  Hundreds of millions of sperm enter the woman's body. A woman's cervix is usually closed, but during ovulation it is open to allow sperm through. The woman's vaginal mucus is an acidic environment that many of  the sperm die in. There are many elements against the survival of the sperm including a woman's immune system that will kill off the sperm. By the time the sperm reach the egg only a few dozen of the millions are still alive and only one sperm will actually be able to penetrate the egg. once that one sperm penetrates the egg new life begins!

Science says, that women under 30 years of age have a 25% chance of becoming pregnant naturally each month and women over 30 years of age have a 20% chance of becoming pregnant each month. By the age of 40 the chance drops to 5%!

On top of all this only 30-50% of fertilized eggs make it to what is called the blastocyst stage, which is the stage 6 days after fertilization.  At this stage part of the cells turn into a placenta and the secondary part into the embryo. Many women will never know life began inside of them as their bodies expel the fertilized egg with their menstrual cycle.

This is only a short version of the obstacles and challenges that prevent the miracle of life and show how amazing it is every time a child is conceived. It is a very intricate process, many details involved in the creation of a new Life!

We accept Life as a Precious Gift to be preserved and cherished. ❤️

Follow this link if you would like to view more details on this amazing process:

(We have no affiliation and we do not endorse this YouTube channel.)

Conception Explained Video